My Approach

When we are allowed to voice our thoughts and feelings in an atmosphere of acceptance and nonjudgement, we are able to view our histories differently. We begin to rewrite our narrative, and move into our lives with an enhanced sense of ourselves.

In my nursing practice, I strongly align with the Interpersonal Relationship Theory put forth by nurse theorist, Dr. Hildegard Peplau. This theory emphasizes the shared experience between nurse and patient, who both play an active role in the treatment, and both experience personal growth in the process. What a delight to discover that Carl Jung had the same attitude about the analyst-patient relationship! We cannot help but be transformed by such a deep, meaningful experience.

Alongside our co-created work together, I may glean from the following theoretical frameworks to curiously inquire and guide us:

  • Psychoanalytic Theory

  • Jungian Depth Psychology

  • Attachment Theory

  • Interpersonal Theory

  • Relational Theory

  • The wisdom of our ancestors

Sometimes, in order to do the deep work of change from within, we need to augment our psychotherapeutic work with evidence-based medicines and/or supplements. Here, I provide a conservative, “start low, go slow” methodology, while taking into account underlying medical and constitutional factors which could contribute to poor mood and unrelenting anxiety.